Behavior beneath the dignity of the office

[Thu, Dec 19, 2019]


You know what I recall? I recall just a day or two days ago fetching a dish washer manual for someone here locally.
Mr. President, Sir, With all due respect, You’re supposed to invoke 5a instead of saying the incriminating thing, for instance some could perceive what is below as witness intimidation, taking all due note of the b___ word, which is being used over and over again to create violations of 4a(which you also mentioned in a vague fashion, so thanks for that).
Would you like some wal dryl 
Sir? Perhaps someone there can get you some.
Im rather used to threats, again, With all due respect, Mr. President, Sir, If that was a threat, you crossed a line, and its on Congress to do something about it. Mayhaps I’m misinterpreting your words, Sir. If so, please feel free to clarify.
Finally, With all due respect, Sir:
 The public, and myself in particular will not bow to threats and issuing such is Behavior beneath the dignity of the office. It shows you represent a clear and present danger due to questionable mental stability and other behavior.
This was not posted sooner because of the holidays, however, its far too serious to be ignored.
The fact this took place, suggest serious violations of the 4rth amendment. Spying on Americans at whose direction Mr. President? Cue bono?

“Donkey Sled! and more things that make you go hmmmm…..”

This is a bits and pieces post, where you havent quite solved the puzzle yet so just putting things here for safe keeping.

In a previous article, we covered the amusing intro to Bewitched which goes to “Tier Tate” and many other things of note.

This morning while taking a shower, it occurred to this being that Samanthas’ Husband

was Darrin Stevens

and some folks had prattled on at length about a Deep State

When I entered “Donkey Sled” Mr. Nunes thats Nunes, Devin

chose to speak up with the following tidbit:



The timing of it was of note as I had literally just put “Donkey Sled” into google moments before. He made a tactical error though, assuming the cat didnt know which way the wind had been blowing. Its okay Mr. Nunes, we’ll over look it. So why is DS so important?

You can’t spell cards, without DS

They had the car, they needed ds(cards) cause well, poker, bridge, gin just aren’t the same without them.

Next big question, wheres the server and or person / people all these gambling type games are being severed from? You can find things like “bet, raise, even, odds, etc…” without looking too hard but without the server or “House” all this is going through following the money is going to be quite the challenge. Do you think these folks have been paying on their gambling winnings cause feels kind of sketchy over here…..




Vin Numbers!

Livin on a prayer, anyone?

Johnny Carson!

Carson Daily!


Adam Vinatieri

and of course, Mr Devin Nunes!


Behavior beneath the dignity of the office.


Violation of oath of office:

the text of which follows

“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.

The first amendment including both freedom of religion and a free press.

Attacks on the press,


‘Enemy of the people’: Trump’s war on the media is a page from Nixon’s playbook

Religious persecution,




This is not upholding the oath of office, it is the opposite.

If you put anything else the gentleman has done on the edge these events alone should make some folks seriously rethink their positions, in specific those who have taken a similar oath. Party over country could lead to a place where you have neither.


Lev Parnas and Igor Fruman….. Seriously? …

These past few days have not been easy, I comprehend that and would like to take a moment to thank those who have without, a doubt worked tirelessly to keep things running in a smooth fashion. You are thought of, and appreciated.


We’ll preface this with “I dont know” but a hypothesis might be something on the nature of “Las Vegas” vague golf reference, vague nasdaq reference, IG hrm…. inspector general?, fr-ru double talk, and a nod to the patriarchy because well they can.



updates later?: Oh, heres your moment of Zen. 🙂


Shall we pwn the bad guys? k.

A sad part of history is that being transgendered(and not getting to transition until my late 20s was that I was given a name which left my initials as “AJ”. Its not acceptable to use that, Im a woman, period its not open for chat to spite the fact ive had my hormones, anxiety meds and pain meds taken by a medical system which has treated me poorly to say the least. We wont go into the civil and being(human-ish) rights abuses ive suffered at the hands of the system not.the.point. Let me state though, the circumstances here are most serious and Ill tolerate no disrespect over things I had no control over. According to the papers I saw in Hendricks co. Indiana my birth records(before my birth cert. was illicitly altered for the states own purposes…) My birth mother was 11 or 12 y/o when she had me. That not the divine f**king up, thats people. None the less I’m here and circumstances are where they are. Where Did I get mislabeled early? Im guessing it has something to do with the following:


Note they managed to get “bet” in the chart.

Who gives a rodents butt-ox you might ask? Well idk but im thinking being slapped wrongly with the “foe” label from before the age of 10 might have had some negative effects on some things.

Anywho, My personal years of being kicked around and having my rights pissed on by the system put away for a moment.  Some folks seem to be under the delusion that They can scare and or harass me into backing down while they run sketchy as f*** things in public view. Wrong.

The 4rth amendment nor the 8th nor the 1st go out the window “because you said so”.

The constitution is the bedrock of the republic and better men and women than those running these shitty betting games for the “rich” have perished defending it.





We aren’t backing down from the bad even if its at the top, we’re standing up.


Would anyone care to play reorder the letters?

Dont recognize the print this close up?

Oh buttercup, dont worry we have the full screen.


Oh and If you missed it


In what universe is this paper(above) ok? Did I walk out of a hell on earth into f*cking bizarro world?


Situation report?


Theres still time to avert disaster(I pray) look to the Aug. 26th New York times to see the cause…..


They used “ScIF”


and I feel I would be negligent not to mention “Oreo”(Sorry, Sir too important to chance).

Improvise.. communicate(suggesting courier where feasible)

To those working in the media, if you see these things going on and you cant say something during a broadcast, if something is going on you dont agree with say something. Go to your producers etc as this path goes no where good.

As I failed to mention it, Now its Cassidy Ann or Cat, anything else is not acceptable as it is disrespectful. Apologies for my error in such I should have spoken more clearly.

This morning 12/17/2019 I found this tidbit of amusement in the excite search results:


I believe this miscommunication is due to my mentioning of Loomis armored cars while the headlines in the news went on and on about a trade deal looming. I would beg to ask the question though where the error was in the insight that such transactions involve large amounts of cash? If the dealing are legitimate, why such a harsh reaction to a simple observation? I’ll over look the implications in the interest of it being mutually beneficial and pray such can be avoided in the future.



Thanks for reading.



Hey Cat! Show US the money! Part 1




“Deroy Murdock”

Murdock wasn’t that an A-Team character? *mew*

Anywho…. De (Country code for German) Add “The anagram factor”

could read De or Y solve for Murdock on your own kitty moving on cause “Ripa” later… sounds foul playish.

Leslie – Thowing in some tasteless antiLGBT stuff? Sounds naughty, then again theres this tidbit taken from a screen shot on April 24 2019

58549672_2665567786818178_1813608932111810560_o (1)

Thus naughty from them, not so shocking..

Moving on

“Benjamin” not so veiled reference to a 100$ note.


“shares” (cough shady stock market things cough)

“Delays” ….. No comment.

Rip(a = 1)

Savannah – As in the “Salads” (salad – low key cash) at Mcallisters(note the “call” 80 reference there) Deli when you open it on the interior left flap.

Throw in some of that will shall not be named/religious fear mongering.


Fisa abuses again, something for another time ..

Next line, “Ace” thats a cards thing correct? people gamble with those dont they?


Then oh indeed its time for some dose of racism cause well they can and they think the money makes that ok. heh.

“Raise” again with the, thats a gambling thing isn’t it?


etc etc….

Check please, table 4a

Another thing, There was a man named Joseph Stalin if you think of ‘s’ as a variable

it could become “Allin” not too difficult to get code to drop a single letter….


if you had asked why any of this was relevant, I think we just showed that.




(Were gonna tie this into its ‘origins’ soon-ish) but again with the both leaving them wanting more, and people only digesting so much information in a day/night cycle.)






Are you pondering what I’m pondering…..

A) Anagrams


B) variables


Mr. Lavrov (…var)


Supporting evidence Cat?


The office holder there, “Konstantin Chernenko”


If we believe anagrams/variables in $nick names then its not a huge leap to see the Constant in the above name.

This is pretty dry stuff, we’ll factor in the $ in a future post(Divine willing) as its not difficult to find in all this. Mind the (de<—-fine) Some of this goes back into WW2….. metaphorical digging maybe needed to put some of the pieces together. Also, Ive heard the N. S. phrase dropped more than a few times (not using that here, its acknowledged). All of this though is public domain just connecting the dots…